The Atomic Bent Chetler JR 110-150 is an easy to maneuver ski designed for kids ages 5-12 looking to gain confidence skiing the entire mountain.
Super maneuverable, stable, and effortless to handle, the Atomic Bent JR 110-150 is an easy to control ski designed for kids ages 5-12 looking to gain confidence skiing the entire mountain. The slightly wider 85mm waist width adds stability and Dura Cap construction makes it super light while also adding durability that will endure many seasons of learning. Capable of floating in deeper snow conditions, pulling off tricks in the kid’s terrain park, and hitting the occasional kicker, at the end of the day the Bent JR 110-150 shortens the learning curve for a junior skier.
· Dura Cap Sidewall: Sidewall from base to top sheet, for controlled power transmission and great edge grip. The rounded shape of the Dura Cap is a fantastic durability feature as it picks up fewer dents and dings.
· Directional Shape: Almost no rocker in the tail, so more of the ski's edge remains in contact with the snow giving better grip and stability.
· Densolite Core: A foam core that’s agile and dampens vibrations – for effortless skiing.
· Structured Topsheet
Weight: 1250g / 140
Rocke Technology: All Mountain Rocker 15/75/10
Side Edge Angle: 87°
Base Edge Angle: 1.3°